Gallery > Nature's Mirrors

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axis mundi, yggdrasil, tree of life, world tree
canvas or framed photoprint
12 x 12
curlycue branches, fibonacci unfolding, breathtaking beauty of trees
framed photoprint or canvas
11 x 14
Applesong Sunrise
hand-decorated framed photoprint or canvas
16 x 20
Garden of the Earth and Moon
hand-decorated framed photoprint or canvas
11 x 14
Tree embrace, tree hugs, open arms, tree heart
framed photoprint or canvas
oak tree symmetry, beauty grace and wisdom, root and branch spirals, sacred geometry
hand-decorated framed photoprint or canvas
8 x 10
Tree of Life
hand-decorated canvas or framed photoprint
12 x 20
oak tree with cloud angel wings, altar art, symmetrical beauty
hand-decorated photoprint
8 x 10
Poppies Dancing in the Rain
hand-decorated framed photoprint or canvas
oak tree mandala, crop circles, symmetry, altar art
hand decorated photoprint or canvas
11 x 14
roads less travelled, mandala, intricate symmetrical design, woods, oak forest
hand decorated photoprint
11 x 17
nature temples, cloud temples, tree mandala
hand-decorated, framed photoprint or canvas
12 x 12
applewood blossoms, mandala, adorned with jewels, symmetrical design
hand-decorated photoprint
11 x 14
Summer Solstice
hand decorated photoprint
8 x 10
hand decorated photoprint
12 x 12
Praise Goddess
hand-decorated framed photoprint or canvas
12 x 12
the Green Radiant Mind of Trees
hand decorated canvas photoprint
10 x 20
oak tree symmetry, sacred circles, dragonfly guardians, ancestors
hand decorated photoprint
11 x 17
Blue Gateway
hand decorated photoprint
10 x 20
On the Shores of Infinity
hand decorated framed photoprint or canvas
11 x 17
Elemental Spirit
hand-decorated canvas or framed photoprint
11 x 14
Gathering Starshine
hand-decorated framed photoprint or canvas
12 x 12
oak tree mandala, earth dreams, altar art
hand-decorated framed photoprint or canvas
11 x 14